Hi everyone, East High was a great time in my life. I remember coming alive during these years. I was heavily involoved in R.O.T.C. I remember some tough times, Martin luther King being killed and the uprising that took place in our school (I ended up with a broken nose and two busted ribs) but we all some how grew closer.

I remember some great friendships, my first friendships, and they carried on for many years......I we all are doing today. I have one friendship still going from those '70 days,Gary, a great friend of how many years, my brother.

I wonder if we will be able to recognized each other (I hope we have pictures from 1970). I guess that is all part of what makes getting together after 40 years see old girlfriends, to greet our youth's friends and to appreciate where life has taken each of us....come 40 years later.......

I hope to recognized us,
Martin C.