Leslie Carter (Clark)
Hello friends and fellow Angels! It's hard to believe we're about to celebrate our 40th year out of high school and 40 years living in the real world! After I left East I went to Adams State College in Alamosa,CO. for a little over a year. I met my husband, Ken Clark, there and we have been married for 37 years.We lived in Colorado Springs for 35 yrs. We have a son,Tony who is 34,daughter, Tiana who is 30 and 3 grandsons, Anthony 14,Damien 5 ,Adeel 3 and a grandson due the end of May. We have been grandparents,parenting our oldest grandson for all of his 14 years. My husband retired 5 yrs ago from the police dept. as a social worker, working with rape and incest victims. I have been in the medical field since high school. I've mainly worked in women's health . In 2008 we moved to Newport News , Virginia to help my sister take care of my parents. My mom was diagnosed with brain cancer and died 6 wks later at age 88. My dad is still alive but unfortunately has Alzheimers. I love Virginia, my husband doesn't. We do miss going to the Rockies games and don't get to see many Bronco games. We really miss our kids and grandkids who still live in Colorado Springs. I regret that I've not kept in touch with some of my friends from East and hope to catch up with them at our reunion. I know we've had some classmates that have died since 1970, but as we know once an Angel, always an Angel...

Love and Blessings to All,
