Michael Grays
When I left Smiley jr. High, I was comfortable in the world I knew and I had prepared to attend George Washington and I had said goodbye to my childhood and all my friends. one afternoon Kelvin Conner invited me to a football practice at East. The coaches gave me a uniform and once I put that helmet on I became an Angel. I want to take this time to thank every friend I made while attending East. And I acknowledge every student who made up our 2600 body who I saw on a daily basis but never knew your names. We all went through happiness to tears M.L.Kings shooting that had us unwitingly facing each other confused and horrified. Then Bobby Kennedy slayed on television in much the same way that his brother did. All hope seemed lost on that day. But we were young and at East teachers like Mr.Bragg taught me that Angels continue to fly no matter what happens. and there were so many times we held on to each other. Trying to understand..grow and forgive. Remember the laughter, relish every tear and remember We are Angels. first never last and Forever. Amen
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