Wilson Stafford
Hello there, all of you Ancient Angels!

My hat's off to Larry and all of our other classmates who have worked so hard to organize our 40th Reunion. The task must be harder than herding cats. ' Hope to find out if all of you look as good in person as you do in your current photos!

' Have been living in the KC area since 1974. My parents and siblings all still reside in Denver. A nephew, David Stroehmann, will become an EHS Angel next fall. I'm still lawyering in private practice. My wife, Diane, continues to write for The Kansas City Star's business page. We have two sons, Ted (a 28-year-old CPA in Dallas) and Ben (a 25-year-old info tech whiz with a KC engineering firm). We're close to Diane's parents and siblings' families who also live in KC.

Thanks to everyone who's posted a bit about themselves in their profile.